Impact Investing in Turkey & Globally with Can Atacik

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In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on adopting sustainable and impactful investing within the startup ecosystem. Tune in for a conversation with impact Investor and Alethina Impact Investments founder Can Atacik, who believes that the fastest and most sustainable solution to today’s increasingly complex and difficult economic, social and environmental problems can only happen by increasing the positive contributions of the private sector and reducing its negative effects.


Main Topics:

  • Ins and Outs of Impact Investing
  • Impact Investing Space in Turkey
  • Alternative Impact Financing Models/Structures.


About Can

Can Atacik is particularly passionate about innovative impact financing structures that are fit for the different types of investors, investees, and the target impact, and speaks frequently on impact investments in Turkey. He is also a contributor to the development of the ecosystem in the region with more than 20 years of combined experience in international development, finance, and corporate management.

In addition to managing Alethina, Can is a founding partner of ImpACTNOW Capital, an impact VC firm based in Lisbon, and a venture partner of Venture Science, a late-stage VC firm based in San Francisco.


About Alethina Impact

Alethina invests in and advises companies on sustainable growth and partnership strategies. Impact-driven, innovative companies are of particular interest.


Stay tuned for many extraordinary upcoming sessions, startup masterclasses, and inspirational talks.

  • Can Atacik
28 Sep 2022 13:00
Impact Investor & Founder, Alethina Impact Investments
Can Atacik

Can Atacik

Impact Investor & Founder, Alethina Impact Investments

Event Detail

September 28, 2022 1:00 pm
September 28, 2022 3:00 pm
